Passion means many things. When I enjoy doing something, I become passionate about it. If you don’t love it at first, keep trying. If you continue to not love it, try another new thing. With jobs, school, and to sum it up, life, you sometimes have to do things you don’t love. With homework, projects, and papers for work, you have to try to make the best of things. Find the best of it all, try to make it fun, and love what you do with the tasks you’re given.

Passion also means interest. Try new things that intrigue you, such as different activities in genius hour, and it will help you grow in your mind, heart, and soul. You can activities and things in genius hour that will help you immensely learn and sprout from being a child to an adult. I’ve done many things such as making a cake, painting a ceiling tile, and participating in an iMovie. The many things you can do will also bond you with others, and help make classroom more fun and enjoyable. In conclusion, genius hour has helped me grow, learn, and all in all transformed me into a more educated and openly minded person.