Olivia's Life

Life is a winding road.

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Interview with Kyle Harrison

I had a recent interview by email with a professional lacrosse player, Kyle Harrison. I asked him a few questions, and here are his answers.

1.What is your favorite position in lacrosse, and why?

Midfield, by far! It gives me the opportunity to play offense, defense and transition.

2. Who is a lacrosse player that you look up to to this day?

My father has always been my role model, and the reason I started playing the sport.

3.Who/what made you want to start playing lacrosse?

My dad! Dr. Miles Harrison Jr.

4.What motivates you to keep trying and fighting on the field?

There are all kinds of things and reasons to be motivated. Whether that’s reaching your full potential as a player, or reaching your full potential as a team.

5.What advice would you give to kids who have just started lacrosse?

For starters, have fun! It’s a great sport and if taken seriously, can provide you with amazing friendships and opportunities. Secondly, set goals for yourself, and make sure everything you do on and off the field, is bringing you closer to meeting those goals.

My Position in Lacrosse; Defense

My favorite postition in lacrosse has to be defense. I love when the offensive players head over towards our goal, because my heart starts thumping, and I know I have to give it my all. My arms shoot up, and my wall is built to protect them from shooting and scoring. With the help of other defenders, we protect the goal, and strive to win. On defense, you can sometimes even start plays for the offense. I have sometimes done that, and it sends the adrenaline through my body to shoot for goal. I feel free and powerful when I play defense, and nothing can stop me when I get the ball, or when the ball starts heading towards me.

Passion and its Many Meanings

Passion means many things. When I enjoy doing something, I become passionate about it. If you don’t love it at first, keep trying. If you continue to not love it, try another new thing. With jobs, school, and to sum it up, life, you sometimes have to do things you don’t love. With homework, projects, and papers for work, you have to try to make the best of things. Find the best of it all, try to make it fun, and love what you do with the tasks you’re given.

Passion also means interest. Try new things that intrigue you, such as different activities in genius hour, and it will help you grow in your mind, heart, and soul. You can activities and things in genius hour that will help you immensely learn and sprout from being a child to an adult. I’ve done many things such as making a cake, painting a ceiling tile, and participating in an iMovie. The many things you can do will also bond you with others, and help make classroom more fun and enjoyable. In conclusion, genius hour has helped me grow, learn, and all in all transformed me into a more educated and openly minded person.

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